How to arrive from Santiago's airport to Valparaíso
Valparaíso is about 120 km away from Santiago. Depending on traffic conditions, going from Santiago's airport to Valparaíso takes 1 hour and fifteen minutes by taxi and about 2 hours by bus.
By taxi
Different taxi companies run from the airport directly to Valparaíso (cost is around 70,000 $CLP). (route)
By bus
It is necessary to go first from the airport to Pajaritos metro/bus station (route), and then from Pajaritos to Valparaíso (route).
At the airport, buses headed to Pajaritos run from gate 5 every ten minutes or so. Various companies offer this service, and prices are similar (about 1,800 $CLP one-way ticket). You can pay the ticket directly in the bus and it will take you about 20 minutes to get to Pajaritos.
Pajaritos bus station is rather small and tickets to Valparaíso can be purchased at the offices of the various companies offering the service. Prices vary according to time and demand, ranging from 3,000 to 7,500 $CLP. Buses run regularly every 15 to 20 minutes and take about one and a half hours to get to Valparaíso. Consider that buses from Pajaritos to Valparíso run from 6:00 to 22:50. Outside this time window you should consider taking a taxi at the airport and go directly to Valparaíso.
PUCV Main Bulding, where TM6 will be hosted, is few blocks away from Valaparaíso bus station. (Casa Central de la PUCV)
Valparaíso and Viña del Mar
Valparaíso is the main port of the country and access to the market inside and outside of Chile, while Viña del Mar is the garden city of greatest tourist interest in the region. Beautiful beaches and coves, museums, national monuments, weavings and crafts in clay, ceramics, shells and leather are some of the options offered to visitors. The destination is picturesque due to the presence of viewpoints, elevators and the sloping architecture that contrasts with modern buildings that depict the history of the coast. The Cordillera de la Costa makes its appearance in front of the coast, which gives a landscape of fantastic green that blends perfectly with the blue of the sea and the sky. The incredible urban infrastructure and tourist equipment, make it a destination visited by tourists all year round.
Tourist and urban equipment. Historical and cultural interest.
Hiking, biking, swimming, diving and recreational fishing, sailing, surfing, windsurfing, picnicking, bird watching, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
Mediterranean climate on the coast and inland. There is morning cloudiness on the coast almost all year round and a marked homogeneity. The coastal precipitations add an annual average of 450mm, mainly in winter. Inside, rainfall amounts to 250 mm per year.
Accommodation, food, transportation, recreation.
Alicahue, Balneario de Maitencillo, Balneario de Reñaca, Barrio del Puerto, Bosques de Petras, Caleta El Membrillo, Caleta Horcón, Caleta Papudo, Camino del Inca, Municipal Casino of Viña del Mar, Brunet Castle, Cerro Barón, Cerro Cordillera, Cerro Playa Wide, Cerro Santo Domingo, Cerro Alegre and Concepción, Chincolco, National Congress, National Botanical Garden, Sausalito Lagoon, Prat Pier, Vergara Pier, Ritoque Beach, Amarilla Beach, Las Salinas Beach, Victoria Square, Quinta Vergara, Peñuelas Forest Reserve, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar.