Mathematics Didactics
Mathematics DidacticsDates and Costs
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Mathematics DidacticsGeneral Information
Mathematics DidacticsTopic 4 – The role and use of tasks in mathematical work
Mathematics DidacticsTopic 3 – Genesis and development of mathematical work: the...
Mathematics DidacticsTopic 2 – Specific tools, signs and discourse in the...
Mathematics DidacticsTopic 1 – The mathematical work and Mathematical working spaces
Mathematics DidacticsTopics of the Symposium
Mathematics DidacticsContributions
Mathematics DidacticsRegistration form
In order to register for ETM6 you must provide the following information.
Mathematics DidacticsScientific Committee
Mathematics DidacticsOrganizing Committee
Mathematics DidacticsPlaces of interest
Mathematics DidacticsAccommodations
Mathematics DidacticsSubmit your contribution
In order to submit a contribution to ETM6 you must complete the following form
Mathematics Didactics